It’s my birthday today!
I know we are smack in the middle of Advent, but that’s what happens when you’re a December baby- you celebrate Jesus and you 🙂
{Plus, as a birthday gift I can share with you I’m offering a FREE Advent devotional for you to download.}
Aging used to scare me; now it thrills me, because I’ve learned how precious each year on this earth is.

So here’s my list on 35 Lessons I’ve Learned these 35 Years:
1-Today is a gift. Regardless of how easy or hard the day is.
2- Kiss your loved ones often.
3- When you want to cry, laugh.
4- Laugh until you cry, it’s good for the soul.
5- Those moments, the ones that make you pause and process the beauty of life around you–those are holy moments. Don’t miss them.
6- Treasure your time, not your toys.
7- Give away money. If you hold it tightly it will take a hold of you.
8- Leave things better than you found them.
9- The little tag with a number inside of my jeans doesn’t define my value, worth or beauty.
10- Scars tell my story, I don’t have to hide them.
11- Baseball hats are amazing for days when you don’t want to wear makeup or do your hair.
12- Dry shampoo and a curling wand- learn to use them well and rock them frequently.
13- You should crank up the music and belt out a song at least once a day.
14- Find your tribe. Love them hard.
15- Make a best friend and pray for her daily.
16- Protect your people well.
17- Pray more than you think you need to. A lot more.
18- Kindness is never wasted.
19- Hard work is good for you. Don’t despise it. You were made to do hard things.
20- The Word of God really can sustain you.
21- Speak less than you think you need to.
22- Hurt people hurt people- don’t take it personally.
23- God redeems. Everything.
24- Marriage it hard. But it is amazing.
25- Savor the time with parents. They really are more amazing than we thought when we were young.
26- Hug your kids anytime you want to. They want us more than they tell us.
27- Dreams don’t work unless you do.
28- Fill your life with flowers. They die in front of you, and remind you to treasure the time you have.
29- Create beauty any chance you get.
30- You have to be a friend to others before they are willing to be a friend to you.
31- Not every moment needs to be on social media. Some moments are too special to share.
32- The grass isn’t greener on the other side.
33- Date your spouse more in marriage than you did before marriage.
34- Post It notes are life.
35- Jesus is E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
I’d love to hear what your lessons are and what you resonated with.