Here’s To The Best 2019 We Can Have

The countdown is over, the ball dropped and the memories of another New Years Eve are in the books. And we return to just another day and another year.

There can be much excitement and anticipation at the start of a new year. We leave behind the pains and problems of the past and look forward with fresh eyes. But we can also stand at the precipice of the year with anxiety, as we have no idea what the future holds.

The reality is, today is just another day. Our routines will continue, our lives will face the valleys of sorrow and the mountain tops of joy.

2019 will be very much like all the years before it. We can’t change the external circumstances in our world.

But we can change the internal circumstances of our soul.

As we dive into the Word of God we become women shaped and molded by the Father. We transform away from replicas of modern culture and begin to mirror a Holy God.

Our souls shift as we sift through the Word of God.

2019 can be the best year of our lives if we spend the year learning more and more about Jesus.

That’s great, Natalia, but how do I actually do that? How do I dive into Scripture without feeling overwhelmed or fall off the bandwagon.

I get it, girl. I get it. The task is big, and the devil wants nothing more than to keep us out of our Bibles. Because he knows the power we hold when we know the Word of Truth.

So here’s how we dive into Scripture successfully:

1- Make a plan.
You won’t ever get anywhere if you don’t have a destination in mind. Make a plan that works for your life.

2- Be realistic.
Life is messy, and schedules chaotic. Asses the reality of your life and adjust where needed. If you have 15 minutes a day where you can commit to Bible study then pick a plan or study that works for you. If you have an hour a day then plan accordingly. And if you only have 5 minutes, don’t waste it. Do something powerful with those moments.

3- Accountability.
Life is better with friends. Ecc. 4:10 tells us: If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.

Doing life with people allows them to speak into our lives and help keep us on track. Choose your friends wisely and line your life up with others who will encourage you and build you up.

Don’t have a tribe you feel will help do this for you yet, don’t worry. You can join the online Girlfriends in the Word Facebook Group, we would love to have you!

4- Grace.
We can get so wrapped up in perfection we fail to enjoy the process. Learning to study Scripture starts small and grows. The more we taste and see how good the Lord is, the more we grow in our love of learning about Him. Sometimes we will soak up His Word, and other days it may not happen. Give yourself grace to fail and the strength to get up and keep going when you do.

Forward progress is the goal, not perfection.

5- Start.
That’s it. Just start. We’re not worrying about completing anything today, our goal is just to start. The only way to arrive at a final destination is to take the first step. Commit to the first step.

I know it can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. And in an effort to help you in your journey here are some resources and options for you if you want them:

Write the Word: these monthly printable files are a great way to get started in the Word of God. Designed to be done in 5 minutes a day they are one verse a day that you write out in a notebook. It gives you time to study and soak up the Word of God without feeling overwhelmed, and is a great way for someone new to studying the Bible to start. There is power in simply writing and speaking aloud the words of God.

Girlfriends in the Word Study books: Have 10-15 minutes a day and willing to study for 20 days month? These study books are topical studies relevant to women to build a discipline of Bible study. Great for busy moms, working women who want to redeem lunch time or someone looking for something to read first thing in the morning or before bed.

Chronological Reading Plan: This is a one year study through the entire Bible in time order. This is an in-depth study for women looking to read Scripture and able to commit to reading several chapters of the Bible daily.

2019 doesn’t have to be a year that happens to us. It can be a year of growth and flourishing. A year where we change the things we can change and savor the beauty of this one messy, memorable life.

I’m praying great things for us both, girlfriend!