Let’s be a little real for a while, shall we? Is it just me, or can Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tinder, Snapchat, etc. make life feel really depressing at times? Everything isn’t always wonderful and perfect. And a filter can’t always fix the image in front of us. (But really, let’s thank the designer of IG filters, because they have made some photos look AHHHMAZING!)
The last month has been HARD. Not bad, nothing tragic, nothing life or death. It’s just been hard. Is it ok to say that? To be a Christian woman, who loves Jesus, loves her family, loves her work, and there are days, weeks, months even that everything is just hard to do. It was hard to have all the kids home from school, juggle schedules, encourage my husband, make dinner, do laundry, pay bills, schedule appointments, the list is never ending.
My month of June was hard. And every time I would blink there would be an online reminder that so and so over here had a wonderful day. Or a photo of a perfectly decorated living room, or a recipe for some amazing paleo dinner. And all month I was over here like, “I can’t wait for bedtime.” and “My living room is littered with stickers and rice from the sensory box.” and “Babe, pick up a pizza on you way home, kids are tired of cereal.”
To top off the month, as I was certain that July had to look better, my husband and I both got sick at the end of the month.
It was H.A.R.D.
And as I walk out of the last week of sickness, and I put the pieces of my home in order and get back to unscrambling my brains (thank you Jesus for a week of Winshap camp and VBS to get the kids out of the house) I am so grateful for the hard month.
Yep, you read that crazy right. I am grateful for the hard. Because hard seasons keep my heart soft.
It’s in those hard days with my children that I find myself reminded of how short the time is they will sleep under my roof.
It’s in the aftermath of the “passionate meeting of wills” with my husband that I am thankful for his faithfulness to fight for our marriage and stick with me.
It’s in the days stuck in bed feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck, that I am grateful for a strong body to fight illness. (And very very grateful for Motrin and vitamins.)
It’s in the hard seasons when I need Jesus to be really near to me just to make it through the next few hours that I find my heart getting softer toward His voice. It’s in those hard days that I hear Him whisper to me, “You didn’t do that well, how about you try it my way next time.” or “Speak slowly, his little heart is waiting for your response.” or “Cry on my shoulder tonight. It’s okay, tomorrow is a new day.”
As I process the hard stuff of the past few weeks, I am grateful that I am walking away with a heart that is a little softer to His voice, a heart more inclined to grace, and a hope for the season of “not as hard” that I know will come.
Wherever you fall, whatever season you’re in, don’t lose the opportunity to grow from it. Hard seasons can make our hearts soft, IF we will let Him change us.