Y’all what is it about dinner time that makes small humans go crazy? I mean straight up need a straight jacket, wild and crazy?
I don’t get it.
We’ve made it this far into the day safely, together, somewhat happy, we’re all still alive. All we need to do is eat something, take a bath, play with daddy and then head to bed. Why is dinner time the moment for pure and utter chaos???? We were so close to wrapping up a successful day!
In my most wonderful parenting moment of the day, I threw one of my children’s corn dog nuggets. (In my defense, I was aiming for the trash can, but hit my Keurig.)
I swear it was an utterly out of body experience. As a child launched his orange juice over his shoulder, while the two of them were passing food like a hockey puck between them and another child snooping through the freezer for some dessert, I was about ready to lose my mind. So, I grabbed the nugget and chucked it across the table toward the trash.
Instantly I knew it was foolish, and if I wasn’t so annoyed with them I probably would have started a full blown fit of laughter at myself. My poor husband knew to avoid any form of eye contact with me, lest I see judgment and gouge out his eyeballs, or even worse see pity at my stress level and gouge out his eyeballs.
This is proof that some days I can rise above the constant childish behavior around me and some days I succumb to it and throw corn dog nuggets.
On the bright side of this lovely dining experience…..once dismissed from the table, my humans all scattered like cockroaches.
I was then able to vacuum and mop and clean my downstairs in peace and quiet. You know, because I now had orange juice stuck to EVERYTHING! And my poor husband and children, without any prompting, cleaned upstairs before I came up to kiss people good night and make my apologies.
Yes tiny humans, you got your “flair” from me. We’re all working on it together. I am so grateful for “new mercies every morning.”
Tonight I am pondering on this verse: Therefore, since we have this ministry because we were shown mercy, we do not give up. ~ 2 Corinthians 4:1 HCSB
This ministry of motherhood, it’s going to have days of wins and days of thrown nuggets. But I will press on, because of His mercy. (And fear not, there will be no more corn dog nuggets for a while!)