Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17
It’s the last day of January and with that comes an awareness that some New Years Resolutions may be riding strong while others have already fallen to the wayside.
But whatever your new year has held, I pray we use this year not simply for goal setting, but for grace growing.
[bctt tweet=”I pray we use this year not simply for goal setting, but for grace growing. ” username=”nataliadrumm”]
What if the goal God has for your year has more to do with change you’ll never see in the physical but desperately need in the spiritual? What if your diet plan and budget goals fail but your life is filled with abounding grace and unending mercy? Will you still see it as success if your to-do lists aren’t marked off, but your list of the fruit of the spirit grows?
New years, new months, new seasons- they all bring with them excitement, anticipation, and an awareness of new possibilities. This year, what if the new thing done in our lives has less to do with what we’re accomplishing in ourselves, and more to do with what He is accomplishing in our lives?
But seriously, how are you goals coming this year?
Have you stepped out in faith for new adventures? Are you rocking your resolutions, or needing some encouragement to get back up again?? Shoot me a message and let me know!
PSST….Just for reading today, stop by the shop and download the FREEBIE for February!