So many questions. So many concerns. So many prayers.

The days ticked by as the baby grew. Her belly swelled and her heart expanded.

I can’t even begin to fathom the fears, frustration and faith Mary must have had. A young girl with an extraordinary assignment– the mother of the Messiah.

December creeps upon us. The homes begin to twinkle with their lights at night. The trees are trimmed, and decor has been displayed. The days shorten up ,and the party lists grow.

But there is a whisper that I can’t ignore as we close down the house at night and move our tiny little elf to a new hiding space each night.

“Are you seeking Him? In all the trimming and treasures of the season, are you seeking my Son?”

And I pause. Am I?

Do I stop enough to sit and savor the sanctity of the humanity of Christ?

Do I process the fact that that King of Creation came to be the babe in the manger?

He fashioned man in His hands and then allowed Himself to be birthed by a woman, held by a man, carried in the very arms He fashioned together with His own.

What is this nonsense?

It’s a passionate, everlasting, reckless love. A love so overwhelming it overwhelmed Earth as Heaven stepped down.

This. This is Christmas. This is love.

The rest, the tree, the pajamas, the hot chocolate and friends, the parties and trees and memories, those are all extra.

Let’s not miss it. He came for you and I. He came because He loves us so.

Want to have a reading plan and devotional book to help guide you through the Advent Season? Download a free study guide and print it out at home. It’s my Christmas Gift to you. ——> SEEKING THE SAVIOR DOWNLOAD