The unknown and the unexpected can raise our pulse rate to exuberant  levels. So much can happen in a twinkling of an eye.

It’s 3 a.m. and I’m startled awake by the house alarm. As I frantically sit up in bed, I pray “O, God, what is this!!?” My mind starts to thinking of the activities of the day. Did I close the back sliding door and lock it? Is the garage door down? My heart rate increases as I left it open the other night? The kitchen window used to be the only window without an alarm device with screws to keep it locked.  Thank God we upgraded that five years ago, whew! The house was secure.


But now my heart’s beat is pounding in my ear, my throat is dry, and I have my birthday suit on and can’t find the stupid lamp by my bed. My hubby, drunk with sleep, bolts from the bed, grabs his machete from behind our bedroom door and stumbles his way into the hallway. I’m frozen in the rhythmic session with my heart and rapid breaths as I try to remember where my clothes are…. and the stupid lamp. My husband returns after checking everything and reports that we had a faulty connection on one of the doors. “E’en no tief in duh ‘ouse t’night!” (My island dialect for “There’s not a thief is in the house!”). I say to myself, “Deep breath in….deep breath out”. My heart rate is still pounding, but my mind is entering it’s calm again. I’m sure the frantic dance in my chest will evolve into a sweet cadence of rest….soon. Now, we’re calm.  

Surprises like a house alarm going off unexpectedly, can lead us to panic. We pray “O, God, what is this?” I believe God is right there with a normal solution to a crazy situation. Our ability to remain calm during these moments falls to pieces sometimes, but the Lord is not bothered at all. It’s similar to the story of Jesus calming the storm when the disciples were freaking out. Trusting in the “Calm” of the Lord is my life long lesson. If I freak out, it’s because I’m looking at my situation with finite eyes.


When I focus on the reality of the presence of my loving and powerful God whose got it under control, then I can finally breathe. He holds my hand while I’m experiencing the hurricane force winds of life. He speaks His calming Word, and my situation must yield. I must focus when it comes to the Calm from the Lord. Jesus promised we would have struggles and problems, times when life is not calm at all. He says, “Do not fear, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!” and, “PEACE,  BE STILL!” boldly.

He said it emphatically because His eyes were fixed on the Heavenly Father. In my journey with the Lord, my life has been littered with horrific surprises, however, I’m learning to endure situations with my eyes focused on the Calm that resolves, the Calm that is present at all times. It’s just a heartbeat away.

Focus on the Calm of the Lord. Trust that, and say, “No tief gern tief dat from me!” (No thief can steal that away from me!”)