Giving Thanks In All Things

As we step into November and we focus our minds around giving thanks, I must pause and process not all things feel worthy of being thankful for.

When I’m gut honest, there are things in my life that are just hard, and at times I don’t feel like giving thanks for them.

So when I come to verses like 1 Thessalonians 5:18 that say, “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” It makes me ask questions.

I’m a questioner….my kids get it from me. I seem to question everything….until I can wrap my head around it and understand the deeper level of what is behind the scenes. Please tell me there is someone else who does this?

For a long time, I was scared to ask God questions. I didn’t want Him thinking I didn’t trust Him. Which is crazy, because I didn’t trust Him, and He already knew it! But as I brought my questions to Him, I found answers.

“Lord, this situation hurts, and I’m not sure how I’m supposed to give thanks?”

“Lord, you can change (fill in the blank) if you wanted to, but I don’t see it happening. How am I supposed to be thankful?”

“Lord, I’m just angry and hurt and confused. There’s not a whole lot of room in my heart for gratitude right now.”

Have you ever been there friend? So full of everything you don’t have room for gratitude. Or so empty of everything you feel gratitude will never enter in. I can venture to bet, at some point in our lives we have all been there. Standing before God, scratching our heads and wondering how in the world He can ask us to be thankful right now?!?!?

So what happened when I brought my gratitude questions to God? What did He say?

Well, in true Soverign fashion He brought me back to His word.


“Sweet one, I’m not asking you to be thankful for the pain. I’m asking you to be thankful for the truth. Because, my love, if you believe the truth that ‘I will never leave you or forsake you.’  And the truth that ‘I work in all things for the good of those who love me’ then you will understand you can give thanks in whatever circumstance you will face because I will be right there with you. And I will weave together the story of your life for my glory and your gain. Whatever the enemy intends to use to harm you, though it may cause you pain, I will redeem for your good- and for the saving of many lives. You can give thanks in all things, because I AM in all things.” 


You see if I believe in Deuteronomy 31:6 and Romans 8:28 and Genesis 50:20 then I can live out 1 Thessalonians 5:18!

So whatever we face this coming month, or whatever season of life you are walking out right now, sweet friend, there is room for gratitude. Though our circumstances may not feel good, we serve a God who IS good. And that alone is reason to give thanks!

[bctt tweet=”Though our circumstances may not feel good, we serve a God who is good. ” username=”nataliadrumm”]




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