Four little letters but it sure is one powerful word. I have to admit, in general I wouldn’t consider myself a fearful or anxious person. But as the years have progressed, I have found myself battling fear and anxiety a bit more than I would like to admit.
Just recently a wave of fear washed over me. It literally felt like a wave crashing against my soul. Of course, on the heels of a summer talking and writing about calm, the irony of the very next thing occurring in my life as fear is not lost on me.
Fear is a force, and it is powerful.
For days this darkness of fear crept it’s way into my mind, heart and soul. For days I allowed it to take residence in my space. Until enough was enough. I had to fight back. I had to take back my space. Claim my faith and fight against the darkness.
I wish I could say it was easy, but y’all, spiritual warfare is hardly easy. And fighting against the force of fear is very much spiritual warfare. Through this battle against fear I learned a few lessons which I hope will help encourage you.
5 Lessons on Conquering Fear
1- Fear is Going to Approach- Don’t be Surprised When it Does.
I mentioned earlier that I haven’t been a fearful person, but just because I haven’t always battled fear doesn’t mean that fear doesn’t want to battle me. As a matter of fact, knowing that fear is going to keep trying to invade my space is somewhat freeing. Because knowing what is coming means I know how to prepare and fight- if I’m willing to study the battle plan of Scripture.
I’ll admit, the very first time I felt a wave of overwhelming fear it caught me off guard. My mind and body struggled the process everything around as anxiety gripped me. However, over the last year, as I have battled different seasons of fear I found each season a little less intimidating and overwhelming, because it’s arrival simply didn’t surprise me anymore.
During this most recent one, my husband said to me, “You knew the enemy would try to scare you. Don’t engage him.”
Knowing the tactics of the enemy help us prepare for the battle at hand. Fear is going to come. In fact Scripture has 365 commands for us to “fear not.” God graciously prepared for us to have a command against fear for every day of the year.
2- Fear is a Choice.
While the original wave of fear was not of my choosing, I did have a choice about what to do when fear arrived at the doorstep of my heart.
While I would love to tell you I immediately shut fear down, I can’t. I’m not perfect, and I’m learning to progress in my faith. One day I would love to be able to say I took those thoughts captive immediately, or I shut fear down at the first knock, but alas I’m not there yet.
Once I processed- mentally, emotionally and physically- how much power I had in choosing to allow fear to reside in my mind and heart I knew I could conquer the fear. I have the power to choose not to think about the fear.
Easier said that done, I know, but it’s possible.
3- Scripture Always Wins.
Once I realized I had a choice in being fearful or not over my situations, I knew I had to get the fear out. But how?
In and of myself I didn’t have the power to conquer the fear. My words weren’t working to bring down the waves of fear. But the moment my husband started praying Scripture over me, as I started reciting verses about peace and God’s character, well the the waves subsided in my heart.
Now, let’s be clear- the storm may have settled, but every so often the waves start to churn again. And again, I repeat those Scripture verses and settle the seas of my mind.
We hold the power of God in the words we speak. When the enemy whispers lies to our minds we must choose whether we will absorb them or combat them. The only way to trump a lie is by claiming truth.
[bctt tweet=”The only way to trump a lie is by claiming truth.” username=”nataliadrumm”] God’s Word will never return void. It always yields fruit.
When fear comes calling at us we must answer back with faith. Faith comes through knowing Truth.
{Side note: If you are looking for a great way to memorize Scripture or write it out, but don’t know where to start download a Write the Word calendar free now: http://bit.ly/Write-the-Word }
4- Having a Community Kept Me for Sinking into the Fear
When we isolate ourselves we become prime targets for the devil. When we live in a healthy community of believers who are praying for us, checking in on us and witnessing our lives, we are more fortified against his powers.
In my situation, when I felt too weak to fight back I called in reinforcements from my husband and close prayer warriors. People who knew my struggle and situation and would not only step into the fray with me, but would reinforce me in battle. Friends prayed for and encouraged me, and my husband redirected me.
Without a fellowship of believers we can fall into the pits of fear the enemy sets for us. Falling into the pit isn’t always the problem. Y,all, I was in one recently. The problem occurs when we can’t get ourselves out of it. When we have people around us who are watching out for us, we have help to get out of the traps Satan sets.
After my battle against fear I realized I was entering a time where peace conquered my environment. It can be easy in these seasons to coast. Enjoy the ease and ride the waves of peace. It’s in these seasons when we must prepare ourselves for the next battle. Use these times of calm to reinforce your spirit. Study Scripture. Pray about things which could be weaknesses. Commit Scripture to memory. Share you story and experiences with others to help those who may be struggling. Suit up, sister. The enemy will return for another battle, but he doesn’t have to win.
Fight on, Girlfriend!