My husband and I have been walking through Genesis in our quiet time these past few weeks. The last time I read through the Bible I was a teenager, and it was something to check off my list for youth group. Now I find I am soaking in passages, seeing themes emerge, and truth leaping off the pages!
Random words, phrases and sections held no meaning to me 15 years ago. Now I feel like I am hunting for the obscure word or verse to give me a glimmer into God.
In studying the story of Isaac today I noticed verse 22 of Genesis 26…..
“He named it Reboboth, saying ‘Now the LORD has given us room and we will flourish in the land.'”
Isaac and his family had grown so wealthy and powerful the king of the region sent him away. After encountering opposition everywhere he tried to make camp, Isaac finally found land to settle his family. He had room to flourish.
The word sank into my soul so quickly I could barely keep reading.
It’s a simple word, yet has multiple meanings. Context matters. While I believe Isaac is referring to the word in the context of physical space, there is a definition of “room” which means “opportunity or scope for something.” This definition fits the verse as well and packs quite a punch. At least for me it does.
“Now the Lord has given us {opportunity} and we will flourish in the land.”
What room is the Lord giving you? What room is the Lord asking of you? What corners of your heart does He need to take over so you can have the opportunity to flourish?
It changes my view of a simple historical verse. When I look at the context of Isaac’s life, and see his pattern of obedience and reward of blessing, I am astounded at the fingerprints of God in his life.
An imperfect man, blessed beyond comprehension, laid down his life in obedience to God and changed the course of human history. Nothing about Isaac’s life was easy. Yet, when Isaac faced defeat he sought victory in God. When he faced opposition he sought refuge. And when given room he flourished.
I want my life to flourish. But am I willing to allow God to use every {opportunity} in my life to make room for Him? Am I brave enough to lay down my life in complete obedience to all He calls of me?
I want to say yes. But if I’m honest, most days I start with the intent of obedience, until I hear what God asks of me….then I can find an excuse to keep me from utter obedience.
Room. God needs room in my life to be God. How about you?
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