I’m not a lover of running. Let’s be clear here. I have friends who run dozens of miles at a time and love it…..I don’t. I feel like a thudding elephant when I run.
With that said, I must confess I have fallen in love with the art of running. A year and a half ago I began learning how to run. Who knew that you had to learn the process of running well?!?!? Clearly I was not a pro….but after reading articles, learning techniques from my CrossFit trainer, investing in quality running shoes and a great playlist for my iPod, it was time to hit the pavement and become a runner.
Man, was it hard! And hot. And tedious. But I had signed up for a race and needed to not look like an idiot on race day. So every day, after my normal workout, I went for a run.
It started small. First a half-mile, then .75, then finally I ran a full mile without stopping or dying. One mile turned into two, then three, then four, and before I knew it I was able to run the 6.2 miles without stopping. And along the way, I fell in love with the process.
The race day came and went.

Just like that all the training and hard work was put to the test, and the event was a blip in time compared to the weeks and months of training I endured. Following race day I continued to run for months, until summer arrived.
Summer in SW Florida is referred to by some as “Satan’s armpit.” I kid you not. The humidity insufferable. Lungs gasps to convert the liquid air into oxygen. No way is a sane person going to go out and run during summer time in Florida. {Don’t send me comments about waking early to run before the heat……no one in a right mind gives up sleep time for running! Besides, it’s ALWAYS hot during Florida summer.} Running just wasn’t going to happen for me!
Then this week the weather turned. Y’all, it’s the closest thing to fall this Florida girl is going to have, evenings where the humidity is below 50% and the temperature drops below 80 degrees! Praise the good Lord!
So I laced up my running shoes last night and my husband and I went for a run. It was a mere 2 miles, but he had done the morning workout and hadn’t eaten much for lunch so wasn’t feeling it when I suggested 3.5 miles. Oh well. Another night.
As I stepped out on the pavement and started to run I felt like the clomping elephant I mentioned earlier. The first half mile was rough and every step I took made me want to quit and go eat cookies inside the house. Yet when I hit 3/4 of a mile I noticed my breathing began to settle and my body relaxed a bit as my arms and legs worked in rhythm with one another. I began to get my stride and about 1.25 miles in the run began to feel (gasp) good…..ugh. I just wrote that out….for the world to witness. What has become of me????
Back to the process….What I started to realize as I was running last night, after having taken quite a hiatus from the task, is my relationship with Jesus can often feel like the running process. I buy a new study book, journal and highlighter, get all excited for a new study and dive head first into Scripture, and I do really really well for a while. Then life happens, distractions come, and my resolve weakens. It’s not my love that fades, or my desire, it’s just I fail to be consistent with my “training” plan of Scripture and fall away.
Once I lose consistency in my pursuit of Jesus I find it easy to make excuses on why I shouldn’t return to it.
“Here I am again, starting over. Doesn’t Jesus get tired of my crazy cycle?”
“He is tired of me being passionate and then falling apart on Him. Better not show my face again.”
“Why even bother, I never stick with it perfectly.”
“I went to church this week, won’t that carry me through the week?”
I could go on and on, you get the point. I tell myself lies to avoid coming face to face with my imperfections.
Last night, even after a long break from running, I found the work of training I had done a year ago was not for nothing. Yes, the beginning felt rough, but when I pressed through I got my stride and found my groove much easier. And while I didn’t run 6 miles last night, it wasn’t a struggle to run 2.
Being an imperfect person in pursuit of Jesus is tough. I fall away from my training. I sin. I need grace. Lots and lots of grace. But every time I dust myself off and come back to the path of training, it gets easier and easier. I find it easier to return to His Word with expectant heart and mind. Success on my race day didn’t happen instantly. I failed many times along the way with my training; but I kept going.
Regardless of the many times I have failed Jesus, He never fails me.
So tonight, wherever you are sweet one, draw near to Him.
If you’ve been consistent in your study and time with Jesus then soldier on sweet friend. Be encouraged!
If you’ve fallen away, whether a day, a week, or even years, come back. Lean in closely and hear Him speak to your heart. It’s always safe to come to Him.
When the day comes for us to stand face to face with our King, let us be women, who like Paul, can say,
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” ~ 2 Timothy 4:7