I’m struggling. In so many things.
And this time I’m okay with the struggle.
I didn’t used to me. I used to think I needed to have all things neat and tidy and put together for ministry to happen or to accomplish God’s will and work in my life. I used to think that if there was a struggle then the enemy was at work. I used to think if I was struggling to accomplish something then maybe it wasn’t mine to accomplish- so I would quit.
This happened over and over in my life for years. I’d get in my Bible for a week or two and then life would get hard and I’d quit.
I’d invest in my marriage, and then we’d have a fight so I’d quit trying.
I’d step into a ministry opportunity and it would get hard and messy so I’d walk away.
Somewhere along the way I bought into this lie that if was God’s will for my life it would be easy.

Once I actually got into my Bible, I started to discover this was hardly truth. EVERYONE within the holy pages of Scripture struggled. Everyone had a hard time.
Jacob wrestled with God.
Noah was mocked and ridiculed while building an ark alone for 100 years.
David was anointed king and had to run for his life while he was hunted down.
Abigail was married to the enemy.
Mary Magdalene had to overcome ridicule and shame.
Peter couldn’t keep his mouth in check.
Stephen was stoned for his faith.
Paul was imprisoned for preaching.
Everyone struggled. Everyone loved Jesus. Everyone was doing ministry. What would make me think I would have it easy??????
Maybe it’s American consumerism? Maybe it’s the ease of our drive-thru culture? Who knows where it came from, all that matters is it was smack in the middle of my soul…and now I have to get rid of it.
Life isn’t easy. Faith isn’t easy. Christianity certainly isn’t easy. But just because it’s work doesn’t make it wrong!
As a matter of fact, I believe this is part of what Paul was teaching to the church of Philippi when he says, “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed–not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence–continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,
or it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”
God is working His good purpose through all situations, including our struggles. Every mountain we climb reminds us of His strength to get us through. Every challenge we conquer lessens our fear of the next one, because we begin to learn that if He was faithful before He will be faithful again. This life of salvation will require moments that make us tremble. Moments where we are fearful. Moments of holy reverence as we step back and watch God move in mighty ways in front of us.
The struggle is real, for everything, and for everyone. You and me alike. And that my friend, is okay.

Let us not despise the struggle anymore. Let’s learn from it. Let’s lean into Jesus while we endure it. Because the struggle makes us wrestle with our faith and hold it dear.
I’m ready to go to battle….because He is victorious, and I fight under His banner of love, not my own strength.
What are you battling today? How can I help pray you through?
Love and Blessings,