The Key To Encouragement

If you’ve been around the blog for any amount of time you’re familiar with my tag line: Encouraging Women to be Rooted in the Love of Jesus. Because encouragement strengthens our souls to build strong root in the only stable foundation- Jesus. So I can not even begin to tell you how much I love the following post. Not only because I love the woman who wrote it, but because the truth she shares is powerful. So so powerful. Praying it encourages you so you can encourage others.


“Give me one word you think women need in the coming year.”

One word. That’s a pretty tall order. I could think of a multitude of words. But no, I had to settle on just one.


Sleep? I had to laugh at that one. (But for real…)

“What’s the one word I need?” I asked myself. The answer didn’t take long.

“Encouragement,” I replied to my friend, assuming she was compiling content for her Bible study.


I was in a season of feeling particularly discouraged. My husband and I were just rounding a corner in our special-needs parenting journey. The reality of our daughter’s needs was beginning to surface, and I was barely hanging on some days; trying to navigate this new territory while accepting what would be for us a very different journey.

Encouragement. I was asked to answer for all women, but I couldn’t imagine that what I so desperately longed for was too far off from what many women were needing.

Several weeks later I discovered my friend’s motive for requesting  one single word. She presented me with a small package. I opened it to find a beautiful bronze key hanging at the end of a long chain. On the key was inscribed my response.

Only, as I looked more closely I noticed my word selection had been edited to “encourage.” Maybe the word I submitted was too long?

While I deeply appreciated the gift, the abbreviated word caught me off guard. Maybe what I felt like I really, desperately needed was just too much to ask for. I was crying out for encouragement, yet only received a constant reminder to “encourage.”

Nonetheless, I loved that key necklace and wore it regularly. Each time I slipped it on, I thought about that word. One day it made sense: encourage—literally, to give courage to another—is what I needed to do to find courage myself.

Because encouraging others is the key that unlocks encouragement in your own soul.

[bctt tweet=”Because encouraging others is the key that unlocks encouragement in your own soul.” username=”nataliadrumm”]

It doesn’t come quickly, or naturally, or easily to give away something I find wanting myself. But when I take the time to look for ways to give courage to another, I find opportunities everywhere.

“I’m thinking of you.”

“You were amazing today.”

“I’m praying for you.”

“Hang in there, mama. You’re doing a great job.”

A quick note. A text. A simple phrase tucked into a conversation. A passing comment.

To a friend. My daughter. A co-worker. The fellow mama on the sidewalk.

As I offer the words, strength goes deep into my heart. I find the courage I need to face the hard, to use my gifts, to expect the impossible, to take the next step in this journey.

Looking for encouragement today? You’re not alone.

Find someone to encourage and you’ll find the courage you need.

“…encourage each other and build each other up..” (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT).

Written by Marla Beyer

Marla Beyer is a pastor’s wife at DC3 North Port Campus Church. She serves in special needs ministry with a heart of gentleness and joy. Marla and her husband Eddie serve full time in ministry and have a heart for leadership and spiritual growth. When not building children’s ministry curriculum, teaching or serving, you can find Marla sharing a cup of coffee and encouraging women in the Lord.