I’m an order kind of girl. I like systems and structure. Schedules and organization my my heart happy. It’s how I’m wired.

This year, when mapping out a plan for small group I went with a Chronological Reading Plan of the Bible.
So we started with the beginning of human history and are working our way through the story of Scripture.
Can I tell you it is blowing my mind!
I opened my Bible to read the first few days of passages, you know, Genesis 1. The creation. I’ve been through this before, so I figured it would be a quick and easy read.
Nope, I was wrong! I sat and scratched my head with more questions than answers
Ever been there?
It can drive us crazy if we ponder the intricate details that don’t make sense more than the big picture of Scripture and the grand design of God’s story.
This is part of studying Scripture that I love. Seeing the work of God play out in front of us.
I find that more than my questions, the Bible stirs my soul with the power of God’s character. There was so much to learn about God through His acts of creation

•God is a God of Order: every day of creation holds a specific purpose. God doesn’t create mankind without first having a place for them to live. There is no chaos to His ways.
•God is Creative: All the beauty of creation was imagined and designed by God. Oh, the creativity that flows out of God. From the colors He paints the shy during sunset to the buds of the flowers. The beauty of the oceans and the grains of sand on the shore. All the details tell of a creative Designer.
•God is Detailed: Order isn’t the only thing important to God, details matter as well. From the pairs of animals to the stars in the sky. All the details align in perfect order. God cares about the little things as well as the big.
•God is a Freedom Giver: God gives Adam and Eve freedom over the garden and the power to make their own decisions. He is not a puppet string God. His love extends toward all of us, but we have the option of loving Him back.
This design. The order of everything, it screams to the trustworthiness of God. There is nothing by happenstance. He is so focused on everything. This knowledge secures my soul. I am safe with Him. Even in my questions. Even with my doubts. Even in the things that don’t make sense to my mind. It doesn’t matter because what I do know is God is safe. He loves me. He thinks about me. He wants me.
Isn’t He wonderful!?!?
Y’all I cannot even tell you how much my life keeps getting wrecked the more and more I dive into the Word of God. And it’s being wrecked in the very best ways.
If you’re interested in jumping into a reading plan, feel free to download your free copy of our current plan here: READING PLAN PDF
I’d love for you to journey along with us as we spend the year learning about God!