I walked into this “website” project last year with very little idea of what I was doing or where God was taking me. I still have very little idea where God is taking me, but I am loving the journey.
Along the way, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to meet and connect with some amazing people. You among them make my heart smile every time I think of you. Through everything, my heart’s desire is to be faithful and obedient in what God was pressing on my heart to share.
And it’s because of caring so much for my tribe of readers, that I’ve made some “improved” changes to the website. I cannot tell you how much it means every time someone emails, texts, or sends a message about something I’ve posted. Not because I have anything particularly important in my life to share, but because hearing your stories about how God is moving in your life is what matters. Being able to have any part in God’s work is humbling.
I want to build these relationships better. I want to know the girl on the other side of the screen reading these words. I want to hear your hearts. So to better serve you, I’ve installed a “SUBSCRIBE” button at the top of the website.
This allows me to know your email addresses and send you “insider” information to encourage your walk with Jesus and bless your day. Have no fear, I’m not one for spam!
And in an effort to share my life with you and learn about your life, here’s my 10 favorite things, in random order.
1-Farmhouse table. I waited years for a long custom built table, and I love having family and friends over to fill it and eat dinner and dessert!
2-Running shoes: they’re bright and loud and not my style, but my feet love them. And I love running a few miles to work through things each week with my running buddy.
3- Snarky gym shirts. I mean if you have to do burpees, you may as well be snarky. lol!
4-Boys. I never knew I would love boys as much as I do, and doing boy things…like Monster Jam.
5- Laptop. My husband surprised me with it as a birthday gift a couple years ago. I love her.
6- Purple Bible. She’s old and the kids have marked up pages, and my notes are scratched everywhere. There’s no “margin” for pretty notes, but my man gave it to me on our wedding night with my new married name on it. I have several Bibles, but this one goes with me everywhere. I like having it close.
7-Leggings. Really, what more is there to say than go buy yourself a good pair of black leggings. They make life happy, and comfortable. (Converse shoes do too!)
8 & 9- Fountain Coke & Honey Teddy Grahams…..because they’re just amazing. Especially before kids come home from school.
10- Fresh flowers. Life is short. Things die. Flowers die. But having them in my home (normally the non expensive kind from Publix) reminds me to slow down, smell the beautiful, appreciate the beautiful, and take time for the beautiful. Because if I look, I always find something beautiful in every moment, even the hard ones.
Will you share your top 10 faves with me? Tag me on Instagram @nataliadrumm and use the hash tag #FridayFavoriteTop10 so I can see all those posts!