Author: Natalia Drumm

  • The Most Powerful Prayer I’ve Prayed

    Whew….I thought this prayer series would take 4 weeks…and it’s been a lot longer. Summertime has been kicking my blog’s booty. Seriously. Tiny humans, vacations, Vacation Bible School, pool days, play dates, all of it has thrown my schedule upside down. I’m savoring this season of coordinated chaos. My kids are home, they’re big enough… Read more

  • Praying for your Husband

    A few years ago I picked up a book which altered the course of my marriage. My marriage had been in a stable season, and we weren’t feeling the weight of crisis or anything. But we hadn’t been able to make the “sweet seasons” of marriage last as long as we wanted, and we weren’t… Read more

  • Making a Prayer Journal

    Oh Friends. I’m so excited about today’s post! It’s certainly a two for one kind of post. First of all because I get to introduce you to another awesome friend of mine, but also because I’m going to be giving away some PRAYER JOURNALS this week! Savannah O’Gwynn is a sweet friend of mine. She… Read more

  • The Other Side of the Mountain

    Hi friends! Welcome my sweet friend Alyson today as she shares a little bit with you……Alyson has been such an encouragement to my soul over the last 6 years. Hope you enjoy getting to know her!   I was perched on top of a ski run in Colorado, staring down the Cheshire Cat. No, not… Read more

  • Common Prayer Struggles

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    As a young Christian, the idea of prayer was wonderful. Who wouldn’t want to talk to God? But when reality set in and my prayer sessions left me listening to crickets I got discouraged and stopped. How do people actually hear from God? How is it possible to “pray without ceasing?” You can really pray… Read more

  • Covering Yourself in Prayer

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    Happy May friends! If you get my Tribe Newsletter, you received directions about the 31 Days in Prayer Guide. I’m striving to lead by example, and be a woman of prayer in every area of my life…’s no joke my friends. Prayer takes work, but it’s so worth it! If you want the FREE Prayer… Read more

  • Camouflaged

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    There’s this photo going around Twitter,  posted by @SssnakeySci, originally taken by Jerry Davis…. Warning… will drive yourself nutso! But play along with me for a bit, there is a point. Can you find the snake camouflaged in the image? Yes, there is a real snake there! Now, let’s be clear about a couple things. 1-… Read more

  • The Power of the Sabbath

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    I’m a doer. I love to be busy. Anyone who knows me knows my schedule is always moving, and I love being on the go. Not in a burn yourself out kind of way, but more like an action packed, get things done kind of way. I love lunch dates and play dates. And I… Read more

  • Holy Week: How Gethsemane Trumps Eden

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    Thursday. The day must have felt like eternity for Him. I mean after all, He was the only human who comprehended eternity. He spent the day teaching. Watching his guys go about “normal” business. He saw them smile, He heard their chatter, and He waited. I wonder what He thought as He heard them laugh… Read more

  • What’s in Front of You?

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    Y’all give me grace for the hair! But I am trying something new this week…. we will see how this goes. Let me know if you enjoy the video or written posts better in the comments 🙂     Read more