Category: Faith
Holy Week: How Gethsemane Trumps Eden
Thursday. The day must have felt like eternity for Him. I mean after all, He was the only human who comprehended eternity. He spent the day teaching. Watching his guys go about “normal” business. He saw them smile, He heard their chatter, and He waited. I wonder what He thought as He heard them laugh… Read more
What’s in Front of You?
Y’all give me grace for the hair! But I am trying something new this week…. we will see how this goes. Let me know if you enjoy the video or written posts better in the comments 🙂 Read more
Encouragement Challenge
A text came through my phone yesterday and changed the course of my day. It’s amazing how simple moments can have profound influence on the course of our lives. A simple message from a sweet friend. She had been having a challenging week {honestly, haven’t a lot of us had some challenges this week!} and… Read more
You Asked Series! {When God doesn’t make sense}
I love hearing from you! Those of you subscribing to my page/newsletter, I asked you to send me questions you have, and I would do my best to answer them. (If you haven’t subscribed, go to the top of the page and share your email address with me.) Well, we’re kicking off the Q&A series… Read more
International Women’s Day….Who Knew???
Today is International Women’s Day. Who knew? Did you? Have you heard of this before? I’ve been a woman for 33 years and on social media for many of those years, and had NO CLUE about this day. While watching The Notebook on tv this week, I saw a commercial flick across MTV about “life… Read more
My husband and I have been walking through Genesis in our quiet time these past few weeks. The last time I read through the Bible I was a teenager, and it was something to check off my list for youth group. Now I find I am soaking in passages, seeing themes emerge, and truth leaping… Read more
Guest blogging, Shopping link, and fresh starts.
I gotta be honest, January was a rough start to a new year. Hard places bring about God’s grace, but it’s never easy to walk the hard places. Some fun information for you lovely readers…..I got the opportunity to guest post of a friend’s site. Bobi Ann and I got to meet and connect when… Read more