Category: Girlfriends
How Community Combats Comparison
She stood in perfection. Sheer utter perfection. The perfect woman, with the perfect body. Frizz free hair in the perfect climate controlled garden. Her husband standing at her side with adoring eyes. No stretch marks. No cellulite. No split ends. No complaining about crow’s feet around her eyes or smile lines…or that silly line on… Read more
10 Days of Gratitude
It’s crazy for me to process that Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK!!!!! Where has this year gone???? My heart has been all things thankful lately. Call it sappy if you want, but as my heart turns to gratefulness my spirit softens in so many ways. As we process the next several days before Thanksgiving, I wanted… Read more
Covering Yourself in Prayer
Happy May friends! If you get my Tribe Newsletter, you received directions about the 31 Days in Prayer Guide. I’m striving to lead by example, and be a woman of prayer in every area of my life…’s no joke my friends. Prayer takes work, but it’s so worth it! If you want the FREE Prayer… Read more
Encouragement Challenge
A text came through my phone yesterday and changed the course of my day. It’s amazing how simple moments can have profound influence on the course of our lives. A simple message from a sweet friend. She had been having a challenging week {honestly, haven’t a lot of us had some challenges this week!} and… Read more
International Women’s Day….Who Knew???
Today is International Women’s Day. Who knew? Did you? Have you heard of this before? I’ve been a woman for 33 years and on social media for many of those years, and had NO CLUE about this day. While watching The Notebook on tv this week, I saw a commercial flick across MTV about “life… Read more
The art of a run
I’m not a lover of running. Let’s be clear here. I have friends who run dozens of miles at a time and love it…..I don’t. I feel like a thudding elephant when I run. With that said, I must confess I have fallen in love with the art of running. A year and a half… Read more
When “me” becomes “we”
I have this gratitude calendar I’ve been keeping all year. It was something impressed on my heart last Christmas to do, and every day for the last year I have been reading one piece of Scripture and writing down the “gifts” of that day. {Side note here…if you haven’t read Ann Voskamp’s “1000 Gifts” you… Read more
Living {and loving} what’s in front of us
I’m still here loves. Don’t worry I didn’t forget about you!!! I’ve been writing, and writing, and writing, and a ton of editing. So much writing and no time to write on the actual blog. But don’t worry, I have a surprise coming for you soon. 🙂 My days have been busy, anyone else? God’s… Read more