Category: Ministry
How Community Combats Comparison
She stood in perfection. Sheer utter perfection. The perfect woman, with the perfect body. Frizz free hair in the perfect climate controlled garden. Her husband standing at her side with adoring eyes. No stretch marks. No cellulite. No split ends. No complaining about crow’s feet around her eyes or smile lines…or that silly line on… Read more
February Freebie: 14 Verses to Pray Over Your Marriage
Happy February, Friends! I love this month- it’s short, Valentine’s Day is in the middle, and the weather here in Florida is lovely. So to celebrate all the loveliness of this love month, I’ve got a new freebie for you! 14 Days of Praying Scripture in Marriage The husband and I sat down and thought… Read more
10 Days of Gratitude
It’s crazy for me to process that Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK!!!!! Where has this year gone???? My heart has been all things thankful lately. Call it sappy if you want, but as my heart turns to gratefulness my spirit softens in so many ways. As we process the next several days before Thanksgiving, I wanted… Read more
Common Prayer Struggles
As a young Christian, the idea of prayer was wonderful. Who wouldn’t want to talk to God? But when reality set in and my prayer sessions left me listening to crickets I got discouraged and stopped. How do people actually hear from God? How is it possible to “pray without ceasing?” You can really pray… Read more
Covering Yourself in Prayer
Happy May friends! If you get my Tribe Newsletter, you received directions about the 31 Days in Prayer Guide. I’m striving to lead by example, and be a woman of prayer in every area of my life…’s no joke my friends. Prayer takes work, but it’s so worth it! If you want the FREE Prayer… Read more
There’s this photo going around Twitter, posted by @SssnakeySci, originally taken by Jerry Davis…. Warning… will drive yourself nutso! But play along with me for a bit, there is a point. Can you find the snake camouflaged in the image? Yes, there is a real snake there! Now, let’s be clear about a couple things. 1-… Read more
The Power of the Sabbath
I’m a doer. I love to be busy. Anyone who knows me knows my schedule is always moving, and I love being on the go. Not in a burn yourself out kind of way, but more like an action packed, get things done kind of way. I love lunch dates and play dates. And I… Read more
You Asked Series! {When God doesn’t make sense}
I love hearing from you! Those of you subscribing to my page/newsletter, I asked you to send me questions you have, and I would do my best to answer them. (If you haven’t subscribed, go to the top of the page and share your email address with me.) Well, we’re kicking off the Q&A series… Read more