Category: Ministry
International Women’s Day….Who Knew???
Today is International Women’s Day. Who knew? Did you? Have you heard of this before? I’ve been a woman for 33 years and on social media for many of those years, and had NO CLUE about this day. While watching The Notebook on tv this week, I saw a commercial flick across MTV about “life… Read more
My husband and I have been walking through Genesis in our quiet time these past few weeks. The last time I read through the Bible I was a teenager, and it was something to check off my list for youth group. Now I find I am soaking in passages, seeing themes emerge, and truth leaping… Read more
I got out of my car the other day to pump gas. Three boys giggling and teasing each other in the back seat. Noise coming from sealed windows. As I loaded the gas pump into my tank and turned toward the display screen my eyes caught a glimpse of my gym pants. Chalk marked the… Read more
Matroyshka & Me
My grandmother immigrated to America from Eastern Europe when she was a young woman. My parents still have some of the treasures she brought with her. Teacups, saucers, a blanket, and serving tray, trinkets of a life left behind. As a little girl I used to play with a set of Matryoshka dolls, also know… Read more
The art of a run
I’m not a lover of running. Let’s be clear here. I have friends who run dozens of miles at a time and love it…..I don’t. I feel like a thudding elephant when I run. With that said, I must confess I have fallen in love with the art of running. A year and a half… Read more
When “me” becomes “we”
I have this gratitude calendar I’ve been keeping all year. It was something impressed on my heart last Christmas to do, and every day for the last year I have been reading one piece of Scripture and writing down the “gifts” of that day. {Side note here…if you haven’t read Ann Voskamp’s “1000 Gifts” you… Read more
Living {and loving} what’s in front of us
I’m still here loves. Don’t worry I didn’t forget about you!!! I’ve been writing, and writing, and writing, and a ton of editing. So much writing and no time to write on the actual blog. But don’t worry, I have a surprise coming for you soon. 🙂 My days have been busy, anyone else? God’s… Read more
Love Compels
For Christ’s love compels us, 2 Corinthians 5:14 Four months ago my husband and I were walking through one of the sweetest seasons of our marriage. I hate to brag ladies, but I was on cloud nine! Seriously, I didn’t know if marriage could get any sweeter. It was as if we were reaping… Read more