Category: Motherhood
10 Days of Gratitude
It’s crazy for me to process that Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK!!!!! Where has this year gone???? My heart has been all things thankful lately. Call it sappy if you want, but as my heart turns to gratefulness my spirit softens in so many ways. As we process the next several days before Thanksgiving, I wanted… Read more
International Women’s Day….Who Knew???
Today is International Women’s Day. Who knew? Did you? Have you heard of this before? I’ve been a woman for 33 years and on social media for many of those years, and had NO CLUE about this day. While watching The Notebook on tv this week, I saw a commercial flick across MTV about “life… Read more
When “me” becomes “we”
I have this gratitude calendar I’ve been keeping all year. It was something impressed on my heart last Christmas to do, and every day for the last year I have been reading one piece of Scripture and writing down the “gifts” of that day. {Side note here…if you haven’t read Ann Voskamp’s “1000 Gifts” you… Read more
Living {and loving} what’s in front of us
I’m still here loves. Don’t worry I didn’t forget about you!!! I’ve been writing, and writing, and writing, and a ton of editing. So much writing and no time to write on the actual blog. But don’t worry, I have a surprise coming for you soon. 🙂 My days have been busy, anyone else? God’s… Read more
Uncharted Waters
There’s a storm brewing in the ocean, the meteorologists are tracking and doing what they do. All the while we await their predictions, storm paths and “professional opinions” on how nature will play out over the next few days. Will we see another summer shower or possible hurricane? The maps with all their storm lines… Read more
Launching New Faith
Train up a child in the way that he should go….. Training is HARD work. Constant. Never ending work. Some days it feels overwhelming and impossible. But we keep at it, and every now and then God grants us teeny tiny peeks into His work in the lives of our children. Just enough encouragement to… Read more
Monday Meyhem
It’s Monday, and honestly this is the beginning of full summer break for my family. All of my tiny huamns are home all day, every day, with no camps for the next SEVERAL weeks!!!! Panic can overtake a mother when you realize you have no plan for tiny humans and in a few short hours… Read more
Be still my heart
I make the bed every morning. It’s a weird thing that brings me a sense of order. I didn’t always do it, but in the last few years, something about a made bed when I walk into my room settles my heart. So this morning, as I got ready to take tiny humans to the… Read more
The struggle
Woke up this morning, 2 hours early because husband has jury duty. Joy. Tiny humans went to bed 2 hours late last night because we went to dinner with friends. They’re a hot mess. Tiny humans don’t understand the beauty of sleeping in. They awoke at the crack of sunrise. On a day when there… Read more
You got it from me
Y’all what is it about dinner time that makes small humans go crazy? I mean straight up need a straight jacket, wild and crazy? I don’t get it. We’ve made it this far into the day safely, together, somewhat happy, we’re all still alive. All we need to do is eat something, take a bath,… Read more