Category: Musings


    Y’all, today’s post is from one of my favorites…seriously, Gelly is a blessing and a joy. Her heart is big and her love is strong. I’m sure you’re going to love this post.   What I learned about Anxiety By (Almost) Drowning. ~Gelly May I used to be completely unafraid of the ocean. I would… Read more


      SURPRISE! The unknown and the unexpected can raise our pulse rate to exuberant  levels. So much can happen in a twinkling of an eye. It’s 3 a.m. and I’m startled awake by the house alarm. As I frantically sit up in bed, I pray “O, God, what is this!!?” My mind starts to thinking… Read more

  • CALM DOWN SERIES {Barb Roose}

    I don’t know how your summer is going, but 2 weeks into being home full time with a brood of boys this post is perfection for me! Anything to keep mama calm and enjoy the moments and not the madness. Y’all are going to love Barb’s technique and wisdom! Promise, it works! Learn the C.A.L.M… Read more


    Friends, this blog has been silent for a while, but it’s not because writing hasn’t been happening…quite the contrary. So much writing has been happening, and so much collaboration has been going on behind the scenes that not everything has been able to stay afloat…and sadly the blog has sunk a little. But have no… Read more

  • The Battle for Bible Study

    I had a fresh pen, perfectly crisp highlighter and the stiff pages of my newest Bible study book on my bed. The babies were put down for a nap. I quickly cleaned up the kitchen dishes and snuck into my room to open my book and my Bible and crack into the new study. My… Read more

  • How Community Combats Comparison

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    She stood in perfection. Sheer utter perfection. The perfect woman, with the perfect body. Frizz free hair in the perfect climate controlled garden. Her husband standing at her side with adoring eyes. No stretch marks. No cellulite. No split ends. No complaining about crow’s feet around her eyes or smile lines…or that silly line on… Read more

  • When Good Intentions Lead to Bad Advice

    From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be kille, and on the third day be raised. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, “Far be it from you, Lord! This… Read more

  • February Freebie: 14 Verses to Pray Over Your Marriage

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    Happy February, Friends! I love this month- it’s short, Valentine’s Day is in the middle, and the weather here in Florida is lovely. So to celebrate all the loveliness of this love month, I’ve got a new freebie for you! 14 Days of Praying Scripture in Marriage The husband and I sat down and thought… Read more

  • New Year…New You????

    Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17   It’s the last day of January and with that comes an awareness that some New Years Resolutions may be riding strong while others have already fallen to the wayside. But… Read more

  • The Beauty of One Word

    A few years ago I began setting New Year’s Resolutions. And I felt great- for about a week. Then life would get chaotic and everything would fall apart. By the end of January I felt awful. Ashamed I couldn’t make it through an entire month focused on the list of resolutions and beating myself up… Read more