Category: Musings
International Women’s Day….Who Knew???
Today is International Women’s Day. Who knew? Did you? Have you heard of this before? I’ve been a woman for 33 years and on social media for many of those years, and had NO CLUE about this day. While watching The Notebook on tv this week, I saw a commercial flick across MTV about “life… Read more
You and Me
I walked into this “website” project last year with very little idea of what I was doing or where God was taking me. I still have very little idea where God is taking me, but I am loving the journey. Along the way, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to meet and connect with some amazing… Read more
My husband and I have been walking through Genesis in our quiet time these past few weeks. The last time I read through the Bible I was a teenager, and it was something to check off my list for youth group. Now I find I am soaking in passages, seeing themes emerge, and truth leaping… Read more
Bold Brave Adventures
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13 This verse hit me like a brick between the eyes. For months I have come back to it over and over. Each time… Read more
I got out of my car the other day to pump gas. Three boys giggling and teasing each other in the back seat. Noise coming from sealed windows. As I loaded the gas pump into my tank and turned toward the display screen my eyes caught a glimpse of my gym pants. Chalk marked the… Read more
Shepherds and Inn Keepers
As we walk into Christmas week there’s a shift happening. The presents have been bought, the wrapping paper is out. Christmas parties have ensued. Kids are on break from school. There’s an electric excitement in the air each morning when my kids wake and move the hand on the advent calendar one day closer to… Read more
Matroyshka & Me
My grandmother immigrated to America from Eastern Europe when she was a young woman. My parents still have some of the treasures she brought with her. Teacups, saucers, a blanket, and serving tray, trinkets of a life left behind. As a little girl I used to play with a set of Matryoshka dolls, also know… Read more