As a girl growing up in the church I had girlfriends and a thriving love for Bible study all throughout my teenage years in youth group. However, after college and into the early years of my marriage and career life I realized I was lacking in female relationships, and my time with Jesus was stagnant and empty.
I would do well while I was committed to a 6 or 8 week Bible study, but once the study ended, or if I got behind with long homework, I would abandon ship.
Frustrated with my lack of community, and more frustrated with my undisciplined faith, I brought my complaints before the Lord. Rather than soothe my wounded heart, He whispered to my soul,
“If you want girlfriends, then sweetheart, you need to be someone’s girlfriend first. If you want to build a relationship with Me, then you’re going to have to get into your Bible and learn about Me.”
So began this vision of Girlfriends in the Word™.
Women coming together to build community and learn about Jesus.
Women who bring their brokenness before the Cross and see Jesus transform their ashes for beauty.
Women who aren’t perfect but are seeking after the One who is.
Girlfriends in the Word™ Devotional Books are designed to be read in under 20 minutes a day over 20 days a month. They have the ease and feel of devotionals with the depth of teaching of a Bible study guide.
It’s a Bible study series for every woman in every season of life. Whether you’ve been walking with Jesus for decades and looking to use something in your quiet time, or just beginning your faith journey and need somewhere to start, Girlfriends in the Word™ has a study for you.
Each study can be done on it’s own or with a small group. Some studies are topical and others exegetical, but all of them designed with you in mind.
Girlfriends in the Word™ Series:
- A Woman of Wisdom: Characteristics of Wise Women
- A Woman of Identity: Rooting our Worth in God’s View of Us
- A Woman of Grit: A Study on the Book of James
- A Woman of Prayer: Building an Intentional Prayer Life
- A Woman Redeemed: Restoring the Lost and Broken in our Lives
- A Woman of Joy: A Study of the Book of Philippians
- A Woman of Gratitude: Learning to Love the Giver not the Gifts
- A Woman of Position: The Book of Esther
- Seeking the Savior: An Advent Study on the Messiah
- A Woman of Rest: 7 Day Study of Sabbath