There are so many fabulous goals we can set this year, so if you’re sitting down this month and trying to figure out what really needs to be on your goal list, I thought I’d share my Top 10 Goals for 2020!

1. Read more. Not just the school books, or my Bible. But read the lazy Saturday novel that helps your brain to just imagine scenes. Read the medical journal about the medication the doctor prescribed. Read the newspaper article instead of just listening to a sound byte on the news. Read more of everything because reading requires us to slow down, to process and to absorb information in a different way then just scrolling or listening does.

2. Talk less, listen intently. Just allow the person to speak without needing to respond. Listen to their words and their heart. Sit with them in their sorrow without trying to fix it. Allow them to suffer through their consequences without adding judgment. I’m working on silence and selected words.
3. Pray about everything, everyday. Don’t think something is too small or insignificant to pray about. Pray for the kids. Pray for your husband. Pray for your work. Pray for opportunities you encounter. Pray to be effective. Pray over your fears. Pray in bold faith. Pray when you’re struggling and pray when you’re succeeding. Pray in all things.
4. Let it go. Clean out the closet. Purge the garage. Throw away the old notes and junk in the drawer. Whether it’s physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, let it go. Whatever “it” is that you are holding on to so tightly, whatever you haven’t let go of out of fear, insecurity, or control issues, just let it go. We cannot receive something new and fresh from God this year if we aren’t willing to make room for Him to give us what He wants to give us.
5. Worship everyday. We were not made to be quiet about the glory of God. Creation sings His praise with every sunset and sunrise. I can do likewise. And so can you! It doesn’t have to be elaborate, it just have to be authentic. Turn on the music and praise Him, because every day He is faithful and that is reason for praise.
6. Give more grace. There is no limit to grace, so I need to extend as much grace as possible––to others, and myself. So I screwed up with my kiddos at dinner, okay, apologize, reset and redo. There is grace for my mistakes. That doesn’t mean I don’t try to avoid screwing up, but it means I don’t beat myself down when I do. There’s grace for me, and there’s grace for you. I won’t expect perfection from myself, or you this year. But I will keep my eyes focused on the One who is perfect.

7. Save money every month. Whether it’s $5 a month or $5,000. There are things in every budget that don’t always need to be there. The gift of work and wealth brings responsibilities and I want to be able to say “yes” when God asks me to give because I have learned to say “no” to things I don’t need. The little savings now will grow into a bigger savings pile over time.
8. Move my body. Whether it’s intentionally walking the dog around the block instead of just down the driveway, or going to the gym to do the elliptical while I listen to a podcast instead of sitting on my sofa, my aim is to move my body more. Not to lose weight or stay a certain size, but to steward the gift of my body well.
9. Date my husband. Often, intentionally and passionately. After 15 years of marriage and 3 kids I love him more than I did when we married and I want him to know that life can be busy, but “I choose you.” It doesn’t have to be big and elaborate or expensive, but the people in my life deserve my attention and affection with intentionality––starting with my husband.
10. Tuck in my kids every chance I get. Childhood only lasts for such a short time, and nighttime is a great time to process the events, emotions and experiences of the day. Yes, I’m exhausted and more of than not so are the kids, which can make for a grumpy mess. But, I’m reminding myself that God didn’t call me to easy but to excellence…and that means making the most of every opportunity. Tucking my kiddos in at night gives me a chance to stop what I’m doing, reconnect with them, pray over them, wash away the day with grace and help them feel safe and secure as the drift off to sleep. It doesn’t happen wonderfully every night, and there are nights when it’s not possible, but making an effort to do this consistently as they get older and older is something I’m sure I won’t regret when they leave home.

If you haven’t seen a pattern in my top 10 this year it’s about my heart being tender instead of just my to do list busy. What about you? What is your heart’s focus this year to reset? What resonated with you? I’d love to hear!
In His Grace,