Let’s Start at the Beginning.
Ahhhhh. It’s a new year, and with all that comes with a new year, the greatest thing for me is the sense of a fresh slate.
Yes, yes, I know we have fresh mercy every day, and each day is a new start. But there really is something about a new year and the marking of time that seems to make a mental, emotional and sometimes even spiritual difference.
This year, as I start a new Bible reading plan, I find myself in the beginning. And it’s a calming re-start for me. After a tumultuous year last year, it seems like so many things are at their beginning again.
So I sit in the words, “In the beginning” as I stare at Genesis 1:1, and I think about the grandness of God.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
God initiates everything. He takes raw energy and formless matter and speaks all those particles into place.
God moves through the void darkness and fills it with life. Space is divided. Separation is formed. Intended. God moves and matter changes.

Maybe this is the starting point my heart needed. Maybe your heart needs it to.
As I read Genesis 1, I see so many beautiful truths. Understanding fills my soul.
- God moves over things with purpose and intentionality.
- God separates things for a reason. Light and darkness, day and night, land and sea, animal and plant…separation isn’t bad or wrong, it’s intentional.
- Everything God makes is good.
- God doesn’t make mistakes. Creation may now be flawed because of the curse from sin, but the design was flawless.
- God blesses what He makes.
- Governance is part of creation.
- Work and pain are part of the process of our design. (There’s more to come on this later.)
While there are a ton of intricacies to pick out of the beginning chapter of Scripture, I sit in the beautiful awareness that God isn’t concerned by darkness, and that in the midst of nothing God forms something magnificent.
This year feels like the raw matter of creation. Particles in darkness. And I’m not really sure how to move forward or backwards, to sit still or charge ahead. So I sit in the Word of God and study the beginning of all things. Because my heart needs a new beginning. A fresh start. A fresh dream and a reminder from the Designer that He makes something out of nothing.
Sitting in the voidless dark isn’t a problem for Him…He sees potential where I see nothing but space.
No matter what lies ahead of you, remember, when God moves things change.
Friend, this new year, join me in walking through the Old Testament in a slow and steady, completely manageable reading plan. We are walking through about 4 chapters of Scripture a day for 5 days a week. So plenty of time to catch up on the weekends if you fall behind.
Download the free 2021 calendar printable system. And come by and join us for some community over on the Girlfriends in the Word™ Facebook group. It’s a private group where I post Bible study content, fun engagement posts and encouragement for your life. Join here.

In His grace,