Our news
Years ago I sat on the edge of my bed as little ones napped in their rooms and just cried. My marriage was hard, mothering was hard, trying to build relationships with friends was hard. Everything in my life just felt hard. I wasn’t sure if I could face anything else being hard in my…
The Order of Design
I’m an order kind of girl. I like systems and structure. Schedules and organization my my heart happy. It’s how I’m wired. This year, when mapping out a plan for small group I went with a Chronological Reading Plan of the Bible. So we started with the beginning of human history and are working our…
35 Lessons I’ve Learned by 35
It’s my birthday today! I know we are smack in the middle of Advent, but that’s what happens when you’re a December baby- you celebrate Jesus and you 🙂 {Plus, as a birthday gift I can share with you I’m offering a FREE Advent devotional for you to download.} Aging used to scare me; now…
So many questions. So many concerns. So many prayers. The days ticked by as the baby grew. Her belly swelled and her heart expanded. I can’t even begin to fathom the fears, frustration and faith Mary must have had. A young girl with an extraordinary assignment– the mother of the Messiah. December creeps upon us.…
Grateful for it All
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry,…
The Gift of Gratitude
November. It’s a lovely month. The weather is wonderful. Families get together. The holiday season begins and we gather collectively around each other and the theme of thanksgiving. But the beauty of gratitude is that it doesn’t have to end when Thanksgiving passes. Gratitude can become a part of our daily lives and change us…
The Battle For It All
I’m struggling. In so many things. And this time I’m okay with the struggle. I didn’t used to me. I used to think I needed to have all things neat and tidy and put together for ministry to happen or to accomplish God’s will and work in my life. I used to think that if…
The Key To Encouragement
If you’ve been around the blog for any amount of time you’re familiar with my tag line: Encouraging Women to be Rooted in the Love of Jesus. Because encouragement strengthens our souls to build strong root in the only stable foundation- Jesus. So I can not even begin to tell you how much I love…
Learning How to Conquer Fear
Fear. Four little letters but it sure is one powerful word. I have to admit, in general I wouldn’t consider myself a fearful or anxious person. But as the years have progressed, I have found myself battling fear and anxiety a bit more than I would like to admit. Just recently a wave of fear…