Our news
The Dark Paths
We had a solar eclipse yesterday. My tiny human and I sat in the drive way with our super cool paper black out glasses and we watched the moon creep over the sun. We weren’t in the path of totality, so it wasn’t like it was a drastic difference in daylight, especially with as bright…
The Summer of More
Uniforms are purchased and pressed in the closet. A beautiful line of blue shorts and polo shirts. Teachers have been met. Shaggy mops of summer hair have been clipped. Backpacks brimming with fresh folders, notebooks and pencils. Lunchboxes sit on the counter awaiting a slew of snacks, sandwiches and juice pouches. Summer is over. PRAISE…
Finding Confidence (with Tina Hutchison}
There have been crickets over here on the blog. Big things are coming, but for now, I want to leave you friends with this wonderful video from a sweet lady I have the privilege of knowing. Tina is nothing short of amazing. We grew up going to the same church and social media has allowed…
The Most Powerful Prayer I’ve Prayed
Whew….I thought this prayer series would take 4 weeks…and it’s been a lot longer. Summertime has been kicking my blog’s booty. Seriously. Tiny humans, vacations, Vacation Bible School, pool days, play dates, all of it has thrown my schedule upside down. I’m savoring this season of coordinated chaos. My kids are home, they’re big enough…
Praying for your Husband
A few years ago I picked up a book which altered the course of my marriage. My marriage had been in a stable season, and we weren’t feeling the weight of crisis or anything. But we hadn’t been able to make the “sweet seasons” of marriage last as long as we wanted, and we weren’t…
Making a Prayer Journal
Oh Friends. I’m so excited about today’s post! It’s certainly a two for one kind of post. First of all because I get to introduce you to another awesome friend of mine, but also because I’m going to be giving away some PRAYER JOURNALS this week! Savannah O’Gwynn is a sweet friend of mine. She…
The Other Side of the Mountain
Hi friends! Welcome my sweet friend Alyson today as she shares a little bit with you……Alyson has been such an encouragement to my soul over the last 6 years. Hope you enjoy getting to know her! I was perched on top of a ski run in Colorado, staring down the Cheshire Cat. No, not…