Our news

  • House Rules and Spiritual Battles

    As we close out the book of Ephesians, chapter six packs a pretty big punch, from commands about home relationships to fighting spiritual battles, Paul doesn’t mince words. For resources and reading plans head over the downloads page here.  Want to connect with Natalia, head over to Instagram and follow her here.  Ready to jump into a…


  • Submit to Who?

    This week as we dive into Ephesians 5 we talk about the call to mimic God, how to walk in love and the command to submit. For resources and reading plans head over the downloads page here.  Want to connect with Natalia, head over to Instagram and follow her here.  Ready to jump into a study by…


  • A High Calling

    In Episode 45 we dive into Ephesians 4 and discuss the high calling we as a church are called to. For resources and reading plans head over the downloads page here.  Want to connect with Natalia, head over to Instagram and follow her here.  Ready to jump into a study by yourself or with a group of…


  • The Mystery Revealed

    In episode 44 of the podcast we study Ephesians 3 as Paul reveals the mystery of the church. For resources and reading plans head over the downloads page here.  Want to connect with Natalia, head over to Instagram and follow her here.  Ready to jump into a study by yourself or with a group of friends? Check…


  • The Gospel of Grace

    In Ephesians 2 we see the Gospel of Grace laid out beautifully for us so we can create a theology of salvation that is clear and concise. For resources and reading plans head over the downloads page here.  Want to connect with Natalia, head over to Instagram and follow her here.  Ready to jump into a study…


  • The Power of God to Save

    The power of God…we don’t often sit and study His power. Especially not in modern days where we have such strength around us at all times. But as we step into Ephesians 1, we take a look at Paul’s worship of God for His power to save. And we see first hand how each member…


  • Encouraging & Equipping the Church

    What is the church? Why do we need her? What are we as the church supposed to do? And what is God doing through the church? All these questions and more we will study as we look at and learn through the book of Ephesians. Before we do that, let’s dive into the culture, context…


  • I Love You, Mom! with Blythe Daniel & Helen Macintosh

    Happy Mother’s Day! In this bonus episode we celebrate the joys and discuss the challenges of motherhood and mother/daughter relationships. This was such a fun conversation to have with Blythe and Helen, so tune in and be blessed. Be sure to check out the Instagram giveaway for a copy of the book, I Love You,…


  • Women of Faith: Naomi & Ruth

    Leaving a legacy of love is no small task, for some of us as women we have someone to follow, for others of us, it’s not so easy. But no matter what was left for us to follow, we can be women who leave a legacy of love for others to follow. In this week’s…


  • Women of Faith: The Woman at the Well

    Unwanted, shunned, outcast. Her past tainted her present. But one encounter with Jesus and everything changed! In today’s episode we look at the faith of the Samaritan woman and how Jesus changes everything with his initiation, engagement and transformation of our lives! For resources and reading plans head over the downloads page here.  Want to connect…