Our news
Women of Faith: Deborah & Jael
What happens when women stand with conviction in the Word of God? Life changes and victories happen. Today we explore the lives of two women who stepped into the call God asked of them and how it changed the course of their nation’s history. For resources and reading plans head over the downloads page here. Want…
Women of Faith: Mary
The life of one person can truly make a difference. Faithfulness, faith, obedience. Characteristics the world deems foolish matter in the kingdom! Today we take a look at the life of Mary and how her life changed so much. For resources and reading plans head over the downloads page here. Want to connect with Natalia, head…
A Woman of Faith: Hannah
When the circumstances of life leave us sorrowful, where do we run? Who do we turn to and how do we respond? In today’s episode we look at the life of Hannah and how we can be women of faith like her. For resources and reading plans head over the downloads page here. Want to connect…
Women of Faith: Abigail
Ever wonder what characteristics matter in a person of influence? How is it that some people have sway and influence over others? This week we discuss the life of Abigail and how the characteristics in her life had a lasting impression on others. For resources and reading plans head over the downloads page here. Want to…
Women of Faith: Jochebed
When the circumstances of life are dark and dangerous, when death looms all around, it’s in those moments that the faith of people shine the brightest. Today we take a look at a woman of faith in the face of death, not only for her, but for her most precious loved ones. For resources and…
Am I in the Place of God?
There was a powerful quality Joseph had that made him a prime vessel for God to use. In today’s episode we discuss this quality and how we too can be greatly used by God. For resources and reading plans head over the downloads page here. Want to connect with Natalia, head over to Instagram and follow…
Different Blessings
God has granted us different blessings, and we step into dangerous waters when we start comparing blessings, or being upset about our blessings compared to someone else’s. This week we take a look at the different blessings Israel gives and how we can manage our own. For resources and reading plans head over the downloads…
All We Have to Give
What happens when we give of our selves? Often we start giving with external things, until we move closer and closer to the things that we hold dear. This week we talk about Joseph having everything the Egyptians needed and how they were willing to give all they had to get what he offered them.…
Seeing God In It
Ever wonder how people can endure challenging situations and struggles and still keep their faith, or even grow deeper in their faith? They see something in the struggles. They see God. In this episode we explore how Jospeh was able to see God in his challenges throughout his life. For resources and reading plans head…
God Is Up To Something!
Ever feel like you just don’t know that God is moving in your life? Or have you walked through a season where you were so miserable or uncomfortable in your circumstances you would do anything to get out of them? Today we take a look at famine and how Jacob’s eyes sifted away from where…