Our news

  • Obedience, is it really worth it?

    Why does Scripture call us to obedience? How can one person really make a difference in this world? Does obeying really matter? And why is it so hard for us as adults to obey? These are the questions we will explore and wrestle with as we walk though Genesis 6-9 and study the life of…


  • Sin, Struggle and a Savior

    Episode 06 and part of the Divine Design series, in this episode Natalia goes through Genesis 3 and the problem of sin in this world and the hope that we can have even in the midst of struggle. To email any questions, send them to Natalia@nataliadrummm.com For resources and reading plans head over the downloads…


  • Guard Your Dominion

    In episode 05 Natalia continues in our Divine Design series talking about the biblical principle of dominion and how God has given us all dominion here on this earth and how we are to steward and manage our dominion for His glory. To email any questions, send them to Natalia@nataliadrummm.com For resources and reading plans…


  • Guard Your Dominion: Divine Design Series

    In episode 05 Natalia continues in our Divine Design series talking about the biblical principle of dominion and how God has given us all dominion here on this earth and how we are to steward and manage our dominion for His glory. For a full transcript of the episode you can read it with the…


  • How to have Flourishing Faith

    Faith can feel frustrating when we aren’t flourishing in it. In this podcast Natalia talks about the Divine Design. As we study Genesis 1-3 we learn how God designed us, what He gave us for flourishing in our faith, and how we can choose flourishing faith. If you missed the Bible Study podcast series, Natalia…


  • The Story and Structure of the Bible

    In episode 03 of the “Bible Study Basics” series Natalia breaks down the structure of the Bible as well as the “big picture” story that the entire book teaches. From learning seminary school jingles to discussing how we read each type of genre differently this episode helps give you a birds eye view of Scripture…


  • How to Read the Bible Well

    When we pick up a novel we know we are reading a story with dialogue and a ploy. When we pick up a poem we know there will be meter and rhyme. But when we pick up the Bible it can be hard to know how to read it and what we’re supposed to take…


  • How to read the Bible well.

    Girlfriends in the Word Podcast Episode 02 When we pick up a novel we know we are reading a story with dialogue and a ploy. When we pick up a poem we know there will be meter and rhyme. But when we pick up the Bible it can be hard to know how to read…


  • Which Bible Translation to choose

    In this episode Natalia talks about the differences in the Bible translations we have on the shelves in book stores and which one is the best one to pick for you own Bible study needs. She breaks down the translations and what to look for when picking up a Bible. Episode 01 of the Girlfriends…


  • Struggling with Bible Study? You’re Not Alone

    If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed or like you’re drawing a blank while you read your Bible, you are not alone! This podcast is for you. In this episode you will hear from the host, Natalia Drumm, learn her heart for this podcast and what you can expect from the episodes that follow. To connect with…