Category: Musings

  • Learning to Destroy What Distracts Us

    The New Testament gets a lot of screen time in our era of time, I get it. It’s newer and we certainly are a people who like “new”. But there is a lot of rich teaching, amazing history and timeless principles in the Old Testament that we would be remiss if we didn’t pay attention… Read more

  • Am I just hitting a rock?

    How to know when it’s God and when it’s just us hitting rocks.  Have you ever felt like you’re banging your head against the wall over and over with something in your life? Like you need forward movement in something but all you get is just a pounding heading and the same ole results?  As… Read more

  • Bondage, Deliverance and the Sovereignty of God

    Live on this earth long enough and all of us will in some way endure a season of bondage. Whether it is bondage to physical addictions such as alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription drugs, sex, porn, or it’s emotional bondage such as being held to anxiety, depression, fear, anger or guilt.  Bondage looks many different ways.… Read more

  • God Moves in the Meanwhile Moments of Life

    When bad things happen to good people we often ask ourselves the super tough questions like, “Where was God?” or “Why didn’t God stop this?”  It’s okay. God is God enough to handle it and not at all surprised, but for us as humans when we wrestle with the things we don’t understand, the circumstances that… Read more

  • Trusting the Unseen God to See

    I scooped ice from the ice machine and poured it over the coffee cup. Splatters of coffee speckled my shirt. One cup after another as I kept serving them to people in church.  Tears threatened to stream down my cheek as I tucked myself back into the ice closet, I asked God if I would… Read more

  • How to have a healthy identity as a woman

    In Genesis 11 we are introduced to one of the Bible’s most prominent women, Sarai. As I studied her story, I can’t help but confess how utterly frustrated I was at her introduction.  In chapter 11, we meet Sarai and are told right off the bat that she is barren. Umm, hello? That’s what you’re… Read more

  • 5 Truths for Today

    Some days I must remind myself of truth and preach it to my own soul, over and over and over again. Some days the truth is easy to receive and other days I need to preach it to my soul on repeat. No matter what kind of day you are having the five truths below… Read more

  • My Top 10 for 2020

    There are so many fabulous goals we can set this year, so if you’re sitting down this month and trying to figure out what really needs to be on your goal list, I thought I’d share my Top 10 Goals for 2020! 1. Read more. Not just the school books, or my Bible. But read… Read more

  • The Order of Design

    I’m an order kind of girl. I like systems and structure. Schedules and organization my my heart happy. It’s how I’m wired. This year, when mapping out a plan for small group I went with a Chronological Reading Plan of the Bible. So we started with the beginning of human history and are working our… Read more

  • Here

    Here’s To The Best 2019 We Can Have The countdown is over, the ball dropped and the memories of another New Years Eve are in the books. And we return to just another day and another year. There can be much excitement and anticipation at the start of a new year. We leave behind the… Read more