Our news

  • February Freebie: 14 Verses to Pray Over Your Marriage

    Happy February, Friends! I love this month- it’s short, Valentine’s Day is in the middle, and the weather here in Florida is lovely. So to celebrate all the loveliness of this love month, I’ve got a new freebie for you! 14 Days of Praying Scripture in Marriage The husband and I sat down and thought…


  • New Year…New You????

    Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17   It’s the last day of January and with that comes an awareness that some New Years Resolutions may be riding strong while others have already fallen to the wayside. But…


  • The Beauty of One Word

    A few years ago I began setting New Year’s Resolutions. And I felt great- for about a week. Then life would get chaotic and everything would fall apart. By the end of January I felt awful. Ashamed I couldn’t make it through an entire month focused on the list of resolutions and beating myself up…


  • The Irony of God by Alyson Moody

    2017 is coming to a close. For some of us as we look back on the year, we smile with satisfaction, some weep with sorrow and others of us scratch our heads and wonder, “What in the world is God doing?” But regardless of where we are, He is faithful. He is constant. He is…


  • How a Gratitude List Changed my Soul

    I stepped into the Target Dollar Spot…you know the place…you step into the tiny little aisle “just to see” what’s there and walk away with $35 worth of nonsense in your cart. But this last time I found something really worth the couple of bucks. A gratitude tree. A chipboard tree with multi-color paper leaves.…


  • 10 Days of Gratitude

    It’s crazy for me to process that Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK!!!!! Where has this year gone???? My heart has been all things thankful lately. Call it sappy if you want, but as my heart turns to gratefulness my spirit softens in so many ways. As we process the next several days before Thanksgiving, I wanted…


  • Giving Thanks In All Things

    As we step into November and we focus our minds around giving thanks, I must pause and process not all things feel worthy of being thankful for. When I’m gut honest, there are things in my life that are just hard, and at times I don’t feel like giving thanks for them. So when I…


  • What Happened When I Wrote in My Bible

    I grew up in one of those super conservative southern Baptist churches. Where we sat in the same pew each week, wore white frilly dresses and sang from hymnals while an organist played the music to the closing song. My pastor preached from the King James Version, and I can quote most Bible verses using…


  • Bible Review {Faith Girlz Backpack Bible}

    I love Bibles. What’s not to love about them?!??! I’ve recently started a little collection of them. Different versions, different purposes, but all Bibles that make me happy. So when given the opportunity to review some new Bibles on the market I quickly jumped at the opportunity! Especially since it meant I would get to…


  • Girlfriends in the Word Devotional is Live

    So A LOT has been going on down here! A LOT! School has started for my kiddos, I launched a small group, edited a book, worked on a launch team, wrote a devotional study, prepped and planned for a hurricane, and came down with a nasty cold. What’s that?!?! Yes, minus dodging a hurricane, I…